Member-only story
Take Time To Notice The Simple Things That Give You Joy
Living a meaningful life on your terms
I put my phone away and looked up. Shafts of sunlight pierce through the swaying branches, carrying blissful scents across my face. Overhead, I could see a blue sky between the treetops. Nature is in its prettiest self, budding and blooming in exuberance. Spring is always a dearest friend.
Sitting on the park bench, I observe the beauty around me and ponder upon the seemingly insignificant. The fullness of life is evident in its simplicity. Yet I’m often distracted by so many encumbrances, so much vanity.
While I wallowed in the worldly mire, simple pleasures continued to pass me by. I straggled through life, dragging the baggage that contained all the must-haves and should-haves, many of which I no longer own.
I forgot about what it means to enjoy the simplicity of life — enjoying things that don’t cost so much time, money, effort, or require so much sacrifice to obtain because they are pure, authentic, and genuine.
In pursuit of some phantom, I exchanged my worth for momentary satisfaction that went from treasure to trash in a heartbeat. I paid…